Form View: Diagnostic Website Evaluation

Company/Organization: Stanton Healthcare
Website Address:

Evaluation Prepared By: Matt Stanley, Founder & President of Oasis Interactive

Metric 1 of 3: Usability

  1. Is the overall visual experience soothing and comfortable instead of overwhelming due to excessive content and/or features? Yes

  2. Does the website balance text and images effectively by using both to break up the content and make it easy to read and comprehend? Yes

  3. Is the text easy to read (scan through easily and understand quickly)? Yes
  4. Is the navigation functional, logical (intuitive) and consistent from one page of the site to the next? Yes

  5. Can you get to any page on the site in three clicks or less? Yes

  6. Can you find the content you’re looking for easily without having to explore the entire website? Yes

  7. Is all of the important content visible “above the fold?” Yes

  8. Is contact information, such as a phone number, mailing address, and “send us e-mail” form prominently displayed or easy to find? No

    I realize the purpose of this website is to discuss the inspiration, purpose and vision BEHIND Stanton Healthcare, so contact information is not as crucial as it would be on a website for a company with a physical space. That being said, however, I do think that it's still important to have prominent, consistent, easy-to-find contact information on every page of the site.

  9. Can you use the website without having to install any plugins or ActiveX controls? Yes

  10. Are all of the site’s hyperlinks clear and obvious? Yes

  11. Is the website devoid of an initial Flash or splash page? Yes

  12. Are multimedia elements (such as music, animation and/or video, if any) implemented in an unobtrusive manner that allows visitors control over how/if they are displayed? Yes

  13. Do all external website links and/or PDF documents (if any) open in a new window instead of the active one? No

    The link to does not open in a new window, and it should.

  14. Does the site work properly and look good in Google Chrome? Yes

  15. Does the site work properly and look good in Mozilla Firefox? Yes

  16. Does the site work properly and look good in Internet Explorer/Edge? Yes

  17. Does the site render properly on mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets? Yes

  18. Does the website load quickly? Yes

Usability Summary

Total Points: | Points Earned: | Equivalent Score: | Usability Grade:

Summary Comments:

Only a couple simple adjustments are needed to get an A+ on this section of the evaluation. Good job!

Supporting Documentation:

Metric 2 of 3: Professionalism

  1. Is the website modern instead of looking outdated? Yes

  2. Does the combination of colors in use on the site look attractive? Yes

  3. Does the website prominently display a professionally designed company logo and is it linked to the website home page? No

    There is a logo on every page, but is not clickable and should be.

  4. Do the colors in use on the site complement the logo and reinforce the corporate brand (if it contains one)? Yes

  5. Does the site contain only professional-looking pictures and graphics instead of clipart or amateur animation (if it's not a text-only site)? Not Applicable

  6. Is the photography and artwork on the website crisp and clean instead of blurry or pixelated (if it's not a text-only site)? Yes

  7. Do all of the website pages contain polished, finished content instead of blank pages or those that are “under construction?” No

    About > The Stanton Project has placeholder image referencing a video that does not exist.

  8. Does the website contain professional, well-written text that is free of typos and grammatical errors?

  9. Does the site contain only working links and/or functionality? No

    See previous comment

  10. Do all site features seem to serve a business purpose? Yes

  11. Is the website devoid of antiquated and problematic technology such as frames? Yes

Professionalism Summary

Total Points: | Points Earned: | Equivalent Score: | Professionalism Grade:

Summary Comments:

The professionalism of this site is top-notch, and once the issues mentioned are addressed it will be even better!

Supporting Documentation:

Metric 3 of 3: Marketing Effectiveness & Integration

  1. Does the website content (text, photos, artwork, and multimedia elements) engage you on a personal level and create a sense of warmth, safety and comfort? Does it sell using emotion (personal benefits) instead of just facts (features)? No

    From reading this website's content it seems as if you're assuming that all visitors have a comprehensive understanding of why Stanton Healthcare exists and what it does. The text and information is almost exclusively devoted to news and events, with very little content dedicated to explain your mission, vision and purpose. People who are largely unfamiliar with Stanton Healthcare may discover your site, and it's important that they be told who you are and what you do. I would recommend revisiting the content, features and voice of the website with a fresh perspective that takes into consideration all potential audiences. Since this website exists solely for pro-life advocates and Christians who want to support and further your cause I would like to see much more content on the site... I would appreciate being able to read an "About Us" page that tells the Stanton Healthcare story in detail, from its foundation to now. I would like to read your exact mission and vision statement. I would like to be able to download all previously published annual reports. I would like to read detailed statistics about how many lives have been saved through all of your clinics. I would like to see a virtual tour through photos and video of each clinic AND the mobile clinic. I would also like to hear the story behind the name of the organization itself. There was a lot of intentionality behind that and it is fascinating info that should be on the site.

  2. Does the website content make a compelling case for doing business with them by explaining what sets them apart from their competitors? Is the unique selling position (USP) clear and compelling? No

    Not at all... again, I realize this website has a totally different target audience than but it would be nice for visitors to have a clear picture of how what YOU do is radically different than Planned Parenthood.

  3. Does the site contain fresh content (material that has been added in the last 12 months or less)? No

    The News section is a blog but the most recent post is from nearly three years ago. This section should be kept current, fresh, and relevant.

  4. Does the text motivate you to buy through a clear and persuasive call-to-action (CTA)? No

    There is a "Partner With Us" link in the navigation, but the CTA is somewhat weak throughout the website. I would like to see a much stronger push to motivate visitors to take action and come along side you with financial support and other forms of help.

  5. Does the website have unique and search engine-friendly URLs? Yes

  6. Does the website have a sitemap? No

    I could not find a sitemap, which is probably crippling the effectiveness of when it comes to having search engines rank your site. Think of a sitemap like a road atlas that tells Google where every important destination is on your website. A sitemap links to every single page of content, making it as easy as possible for the search engine spiders to crawl (locate) and index (rank) every part of your site.

  7. Does the website have keyword-rich title tags? No

    Title tags are the text links which are clickable in a search engine listing. They are the single most important on-page element when it comes to optimizing your website for search engines. The current site has title tags that just list the page names instead of including keyword phrases. I don't think search engine optimization (SEO) will be nearly as critical for this website as it will on, however, so it's not as much of an issue for this website.

  8. Does the website have valuable, keyword-optimized content? No

    Most people coming to this website will be directed there purposefully by Stanton Healthcare itself, so keyword-optimized content - a significant part of good SEO - is not nearly as important as it would be on

  9. Can the website be found in search engines by using their business name? Yes

  10. Does the site use an e-newsletter or alternate opt-in tool (i.e. e-book, white paper, research report, etc.) to engage each visitor as a prospective client? No

    E-newsletters are a powerful and effective way to stay in touch with your target audience. I realize Stanton Healthcare is a non-profit corporation, but you could still leverage e-newsletter technology to your benefit. It would also be a great way to keep subscribers posted about important news, upcoming events and additional services as they are made available. An e-newsletter would be a very effective addition to this site, especially since you survive based on donations.

  11. Does the website contain a form to request a quote or ask for more information? Yes

  12. Does the site contain video content to capture visitor attention and interest? Yes

  13. Does the site capitalize on social media to promote the business and its brand? No

    The site contains no social media integration. You should have a page on each major social media website (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.) and make the most of them by linking to them from your website. You should also have a widget on each content page of your site that allows visitors to share your content with others.

  14. Are there links to their social media pages and a "like/share this content" feature?

  15. Does their website have "Review Us" links to social media networks like Google+, Yelp, and Facebook?

  16. Does the website make use of analytics? No

    Web analytics tools provide very valuable information that helps companies measure and improve the overall effectiveness of their online marketing efforts. Specific data they provide include the following: Traffic volume via reports that can be customized in very granular fashion (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.); specific visitor behavior and trends (i.e. most visited pages, least visited pages, path taken through site, average amount of time spent on site, etc.); keyword phrases used to find the site on the major search engines; and conversion rates (i.e. how many people that visited the site requested more information through your online form or opted into your e-newlsetter). Incorporating web analytics technology into your website would provide actionable intelligence to help you get a better ROI and continually improve marketing effectiveness.

  17. Was the website built using a Content Management System (CMS)? No

    I think this site probably was built with a CMS, but from what we've heard you don't have a login to make changes so you are not benefiting from it as you should. A complete website rebuild with WordPress would give you the power to edit and add your own content going forward. It will also give you state-of-the-art technology that will last for years to come and empower a superior user experience.

Marketing Effectiveness & Integration Summary

Total Points: | Points Earned: | Equivalent Score: | Marketing Grade:

Summary Comments:

This website has a lot of really great things going for it, but - as with - marketing is where you most obviously fall short of excellence. If the site was built with a CMS that can easily be enhanced then it would be wise to address the specific areas discussed in this section of this evaluation. If not or you cannot gain Administrator-level access to it, then your long-term needs would probably be best served by rebuilding the site with WordPress and giving it an overhaul by adding more content and features as recommended above.

Supporting Documentation:

OVERALL Website Summary

Usability Grade: | Professionalism Grade: | Marketing Grade:

Total Points: | Points Earned: | Equivalent Score: | Overall Website Grade:

Summary Comments:
Supporting Documentation: