Form View: Sign Our Contract

James Thole

Name: James Thole | Email Address/Username: [524]
Are any other persons authorized to request that OI perform hourly or project work on your behalf? No:
Will we be working with any other person(s) on this project? No:
How should we handle billing for one-off, non-recurring invoices? Charge our credit card
Initial Project Estimate(s) that define the Scope of Work: EST-001714 & EST-001715
Are we building you a website? [821]
Policies & Procedures Version: 5.0.0 | Website Service Contract Version: 7.1.0 | Miscellaneous Service Contract Version: [825]
Have we agreed to a special, non-standard payment schedule for your project? No
Have we agreed to do some bartering as part of your project? Yes
Non-Refundable Deposit Amount: $1,249.00 | Barter Amount in USD ($): $9,743.00
List of products and/or services being provided in barter:

Copywriting and consulting as needed

Do the bartered product(s)/service(s) need to be provided within a set amount of time? Yes

All deliverables from both parties will be completed by 05/31/2021 but Oasis Interactive will get priority in James' schedule. Oasis Interactive will give plenty of advance notice to ensure James has adequate production time to incorporate work assignments into his pre-existing workflow. If the work can be completed sooner then that's ideal.

Notes / Comments / Other Information:

Contract Acceptance and Agreement: [536]
Client Signature: [869] | OI Representative Signature: Matthew R. Stanley
Contract Execution Date and Time: 02/12/2021 at 16:38:44 MST

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