Form View: Sign Our Contract

Eagle Eye Landscaping

Name: Ruben Herrera | Email Address/Username: [524]
Are any other persons authorized to request that OI perform hourly or project work on your behalf? No:
Will we be working with any other person(s) on this project? No:
How should we handle billing for one-off, non-recurring invoices? Email me an invoice
Initial Project Estimate(s) that define the Scope of Work: Est-001689
Are we building you a website? [821]
Policies & Procedures Version: 5.0.0 | Website Service Contract Version: 7.1.0 | Miscellaneous Service Contract Version: [825]
Have we agreed to a special, non-standard payment schedule for your project? No
Have we agreed to do some bartering as part of your project? No
Non-Refundable Deposit Amount: | Barter Amount in USD ($):
List of products and/or services being provided in barter:
Do the bartered product(s)/service(s) need to be provided within a set amount of time?

Notes / Comments / Other Information:

Contract Acceptance and Agreement: [536]
Client Signature: [869] | OI Representative Signature: Matthew R. Stanley
Contract Execution Date and Time: 07/22/2020 at 19:37:15 MST

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